Precision Optical Coated Products and Services

Coating Processes for Critical and Demanding Applications.

Low Stress Films

Full Spectral Stability

Room-Temperature Processes

Why choose AlbaSense?

The Microwave Plasma Assisted Sputtering Advantage

Traditional optical coating processes require high temperatures, provide low throughput and have limited compatibility with temperature sensitive substrates.

Our Microwave Plasma Assisted Sputtering (MPAS™) solution and patented processes provide room-temperature processing, with typically 4x greater throughput.

MPAS produces durable, spectrally stable optical coatings in the ultraviolet through to infrared spectral wavebands.

We can offer bespoke solutions, cost effective prototyping and volume production.

Patent protected MPAS coating processes.

Benefits of our MPAS Coating Technology


Higher Spectral Stability

The MPAS process provides robust coatings with enhanced environmental spectral stability.

Compatible with Temperature Sensitive Substrates

The room temperature MPAS process allows coating of substrates not suitable for high temperature processes.

Increased Throughput

Our MPAS technology offers up to 4x the throughput of traditional coating methods.

Customizable and Scalable Solutions

We offer tailor-made services, with cost-effective custom prototyping, catering to businesses of varied sizes and needs.

Our Product and Services

Linear Variable Filters

LVF providing wavelength separation across visible, near IR or mid IR wavebands.

More info...

Mid-IR Bandpass Filters

Superior optical filtering for state-of-the-art system performance across 2.5 to 5 micron waveband.

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Sputtered Diamond-Like Carbon Coating Service

High-quality, durable DLC anti-reflection coatings in the infrared to MIL-C-48497A (paras,,,, MIL-C-675C ( and TS1888 (para

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Broadband IR Absorber Coating Service

High-quality enhanced absorption coatings over a wide range of wavebands for infrared detectors.

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Our Team

Prof Des Gibson

Founder and CEO

Alan Henderson


Dr Ewan Waddell


Janet Milne

Operations and Commercial Director

Sales Representatives


Jerry Martin

PVD Solutions

Vancouver, WA 98682
United States

Phone: +1 360-991-0977
Mobile: +1 360-936-1030

Marcella Oliver

Vacuum Innovations LLC

Dansville, NY 14437
United States

Phone: +1 585-298-9579

Contact Us



Paisley, Scotland, UK




+44 7711 985621

Technical Information

Linear Variable Filters (Spectrometers)

High throughput microwave plasma assisted sputter deposition of linear variable filters and deployment into visible and near infrared spectrometers.

Mid Infrared Optical Filters

Microwave Plasma Assisted Magnetron Sputtering of Infrared Multilayer Thin Film Bandpass Filters for application in non-dispersive infrared gas sensors.

Gravitational Wave Reflectors

Tantalum Oxide and Silica Mixture Coatings Deposited Using Microwave Plasma Assisted Co-sputtering for Optical Mirror Coatings in Gravitational Wave Detectors.

Patterned optical filters

Design and Fabrication of a patterned dual colour filter using Microwave plasma assisted Sputtering and Photolithography.

Non Dispersive Infrared Gas Sensors

Optimised Performance of Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas Sensors Using Multilayer Thin Film Bandpass Filters.

Copper Oxide Based Solar Cells

Characterisation of Cu2O, Cu4O3, and CuO mixed phase thin films produced by microwave-activated reactive sputtering.


Reactive dynamics analysis of critical Nb2O5 sputtering rate for drum-based metal-like deposition.

Linear Variable Filters (Hyperspectral Imaging)

Low-cost hyper-spectral imaging system using a linear variable bandpass filter for agritech applications.


Modeling and validation of uniform large-area optical coating deposition on a rotating drum using microwave plasma reactive sputtering

Broadband Infrared Absorber

Broadband infrared absorber based on a sputter deposited hydrogenated carbon multilayer
enhancing MEMS-based CMOS thermopile performance.

Mixed Oxide Deposition

Tantalum oxide and silicon oxide mixture coatings deposited using microwave plasma assisted co-sputtering for optical mirror coatings in gravitational wave detectors.

A world-class medical center

Frequently asked Questions

How can my family and friends call me?

Adequate rest is important for you. However, arrangements can be made for a family 
member to spend the night with you and many rooms include pull-out couches.

Can a family member spend the night with me?

Adequate rest is important for you. However, arrangements can be made for a family 
member to spend the night with you and many rooms include pull-out couches.

How long will I be at the hospital?

Adequate rest is important for you. However, arrangements can be made for a family 
member to spend the night with you and many rooms include pull-out couches.

What do I do if I have questions about my bill?

Adequate rest is important for you. However, arrangements can be made for a family 
member to spend the night with you and many rooms include pull-out couches.

Why can't I use my own medications when I'm in the hospital?

Adequate rest is important for you. However, arrangements can be made for a family 
member to spend the night with you and many rooms include pull-out couches.